Sunday, March 16, 2008

Skidding About Scidmore

Scidmore Park in Three Rivers, Michigan has a lot of stuff for a little park, though due to its avian attractions, a lot of it gets on the shoes if you're not careful. I picked my way around the rivers to see if I could get a few nice water shots.

Branches draped over one of the rivers...

A couple of bridges off in the distance...

An artistic arboreal hall of tree trunk pattern-play...or a bunch of sticks, depending on your poetic sensibilities.

A stick of river lightning.

Having had my fill of water, I walked about the backside of the petting zoo. Met up with a few other feathered friends. Here daddy-o is providing shade for his hot chick.

Another cocky bird, lording it over some hen.

Wow, they make windmills outside of Texas! Who'd-a-thought? Actually there's a thread of commonality between west Michigan, some Pennsylvania, New York and Dallas-- settled by da Dutch. Accounts for all those funky accents, you know.
And here's an even cockier cock. From the dark jungles of the midwest. I thought he looked extra pretty next to all those stripes in the background. Lorraine found me trying to pose the preening peacock, and led me away from all this feathered foolishness.

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